Peeing in your wetsuit when scuba diving

pros, cons and tips when peeing in your wetsuit

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There is a running joke in the dive community that there are two types of divers: those who pee in their wetsuits and those who lie about it.

I am not embarrassed to divulge that I am the former. I’d rather admit to urinating in my wetsuit, a totally natural body function, than to be caught in a lie!

Of course, this joke is simply just a joke because the truth is there is a third type of diver. Those who don’t pee in their wetsuits and aren’t lying about it.

As scuba divers, we’ve all been faced with the age-old debate: to pee or not to pee in your wetsuit. It’s a subject that’s often dismissed as taboo or embarrassing, but I’m here with you to dive headfirst and explore this controversial topic.

Why do you Feel the need to pee in your wetsuit?

If you’re new to diving and embarrassed by the incessant need to urinate as soon as you hit the water, let me tell you that this is absolutely normal. Everybody has experienced this at one point and it is a typical reaction of your body to the changes in the environment.

There is a scientific reason you have the urge to pee in your wetsuit and that is called Immersion Diuresis. This is the increased output of urine that occurs during or after extended immersion in water.

It is a physiological response that can be produced by several causes, such as prolonged exposure to cold water, hydrostatic pressure, and increased blood flow to the extremities. The response of the body to these circumstances results in changes in fluid levels and an increase in the output of urine.

the benefits of peeing in a wetsuit

While the topic of peeing in your wetsuit may be met with some giggles, raised eyebrows and some discomfort, there are some real benefits to doing it.

Immediate relief

Picture yourself mid-dive, feeling the pressure buildup as your bladder insists on stealing the spotlight. Suddenly, you decide to embrace the freedom that underwater life offers and release a stream of relief.

Ah, the joy!

The instant release of pent-up pressure can bring a feeling of immediate liberation.


Feeling chilly in your dive? Peeing in your wetsuit can offer you temporary warmth. Because wetsuits are designed to trap a thin layer of water between your body and your suit, pee will get trapped in there as well. It does sound gross, but once you let that liquid magic flow, it will warm you up for a fleeting moment.


Just imagine. You’re in the middle of a mesmerizing dive, surrounded by vibrant marine life, when suddenly your bladder starts to hijack your attention. Talk about a buzzkill!

The solution: just pee while diving! No more mental battles of when to surface and find relief. Nobody really wants to end the dive early because you gotta go pee!

By peeing in your wetsuit, you can free yourself from your nagging bladder and focus more on your diving.

Reduce the Risk of bladder infection

One of the worst things that can ruin your travel adventures is having a Urinary Track Infection. Keeping pee in your system can cause an infection so it’s best to just flush out any bacteria in your urinary system as soon as you can. Women most especially, are prone to UTIs so peeing in your wetsuit may actually help reduce the risk of bladder infections.

It’s important to note that this is not a foolproof method, and maintaining good hygiene practices, such as proper pre- and post-dive care, staying hydrated, and using appropriate restroom facilities when available, is still essential. So, while it may sound unconventional, some divers believe it’s a simple way to potentially lower the risk of bladder infections.

The Downsides of peeing in a wetsuit

While peeing in your wetsuit may seem like a convenient solution, it’s important to consider the negative implications of it.

ICK factor

While some divers may see it as a harmless practice, others may find it gross. You can’t deny the fact that you are still eliminating your bodily fluids, which some people may find icky.

When you pee in your wetsuit, you’re basically diving in your pee so it can be gross to some degree.

Odor buildup

Let’s face it, urine has a distinct smell. If you repeatedly pee in your wetsuit without proper cleaning and care, the odor can become persistent and unpleasant. This can be off-putting for you and your dive buddies.

Health Issues

If you thought that pee is sterile, then you’re mistaken. Scientists have found that urine in healthy individuals naturally contains bacteria so peeing in your wetsuit might not be a great idea after all. The warm and moist environment inside a wetsuit can create an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which may lead to skin infections or irritation.

Wetsuit Damage

While pee cannot immediately destroy your wetsuit in one instance, the habitual practice of it just might. The composition of urine and the presence of bacteria in your pee may have long term effects on your wetsuit especially if you don’t observe proper care and maintenance.

If you want to extend the life of your wetsuit, read my post 14 Top Tips On How To Care For Your Scuba Diving Wetsuit.

Social Stigma

In the diving world, peeing in your wetsuit might carry unfavorable social stigmas. Some divers may object to the practice owing to hygienic concerns, potential odor issues, and a perceived lack of care for other dives. There is frequently an unwritten requirement to keep the diving environment clean and respectable. Peeing in your wetsuit may be interpreted as a violation of those norms, resulting in judgment or condemnation from other divers.

How to avoid peeing in your wetsuit

If peeing in your wetsuit is not for you, here are some tips on how to avoid it.

Choose the right wetsuit thickness and Fit

Choosing the proper thickness and fit for your wetsuit will help you prevent having to urinate in it.

Choosing a wetsuit of the suitable thickness for the water temperature assists in regulating your body’s heat and keeping you comfortably warm. When you aren’t extremely cold, your body doesn’t feel the need to urinate as frequently.

When your wetsuit fits properly, it allows you to move freely and reduces any discomfort or tightness. Feeling relaxed and unrestrained relieves needless pressure on your bladder, lowering the likelihood of needing to pee underwater.

A well-fitting wetsuit allows water to circulate freely between your body and the suit. This helps to maintain a comfortable temperature and prevents perspiration or moisture from accumulating, minimizing the need to pee.

Pee before you dive

By emptying your bladder before entering the water, you lessen your chances of needing to urinate while wearing your wetsuit. Starting your dive with an empty bladder not only provides physical comfort but also allows you to focus solely on the thrilling underwater experience.

Avoid diuretics

Diuretics are substances that cause your body to produce more urine. Common examples include coffee, tea, energy drinks, and certain medications.

By reducing your diuretic consumption, you can lessen the need to pee underwater. Choosing water or non-diuretic beverages will help you maintain a more balanced fluid balance and lessen the need to answer the “call of nature” during your dive.

have a Pee valve or pee zipper on Your wetsuit

A pee valve or pee zipper is a nifty feature added to some wetsuits, specifically designed to allow divers to relieve themselves easily outside their wetsuit. This game-changing contraption acts as a handy escape route for your bodily fluids, providing a more convenient and hygienic solution. By using the pee valve or zipper, you can discreetly and easily release the call of nature without having to completely remove your wetsuit.

Don’t wear a wetsuit

If you don’t want to pee in a wetsuit, then simply don’t wear one.

When diving in tropical warm waters, you don’t have to wear a wetsuit while diving . You can wear just your swimsuits, dive skins, rash guards, and dive leggings. This attire is made of thin materials that will still allow you to pee underwater without worrying about urine being trapped in your suit.

Tips when peeing in YouR wetsuit

So, you peed in your wetsuit, now what?

Here are some of the things you can do when you can’t help but urinate in your wetsuit.

Hydrate a lot

It sounds counterintuitive to drink more because it will make you pee more, but staying hydrated is crucial for your overall well-being while diving.

Staying hydrated before your dive can assist encourage urine production and more frequent trips to the lavatory. You can lessen the likelihood of needing to pee during your dive by emptying your bladder before putting on your wetsuit.

When you’re dehydrated, your pee will smell more pungent and stinky, which is what you want to avoid. Drinking plenty of water before diving can dilute the content of pee in your body.

Drink enough water to be hydrated, but avoid overdoing it just before diving to prevent putting undue strain on your bladder.

Flush it out

After peeing in your wetsuit, you can immediately flush your wetsuit underwater. You can do this by tugging at the neck seals and allowing water to enter your suit and forcing pee out.

Some divers recommended turning upside down and purging air into your wetsuit. When you do this, bubbles can push water and pee out of your wetsuit.

Rinse between dives

When you surface in between dives, make sure to give your wetsuit a freshwater rinse. Find a suitable area, such as a wetsuit rinse tank or a dedicated freshwater source, and give your wetsuit a thorough rinse to remove any residual urine. This helps remove salt, sand, and any leftover odors, ensuring that your wetsuit is clean and ready for the next dive in the series. You need to make sure that you pay additional attention to the parts of your body where urine may collect, such as the crotch and the armpits.

Use wetsuit shampoo

Periodically, treating your wetsuit with a specialized wetsuit shampoo can work wonders in maintaining its cleanliness and longevity. Follow the instructions on the wetsuit bottle and give your wetsuit a proper wash to eliminate any lingering odors and bacteria. Remember to rinse thoroughly afterward to ensure no residue remains.

To pee or not to pee? There is no right or wrong answer for this.

The decision to urinate in your wetsuit is a personal one. Knowing the risks and benefits can help you make an informed choice.

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